After School Care

Milkwood Steiner School recognises the diverse needs of families in our community, and offers a holistic After School Care program for children aged 5-13, which aligns with the school’s values.

Milkwood Steiner School After School Care Service is located on the school grounds and operates Monday to Friday from 2:30pm to 5:30pm during the school term.

The After School Care program seeks to provide a nurturing environment where children receive the rest, nourishment and engagement they need in their after-school hours. In After School Care, children’s social, physical and emotional needs are met through activities including cooking, arts and crafts, gardening and bush play, active and rest times. Spaces exist for homework and music practice (upper classes), quiet play and physical activity. A light afternoon tea is prepared daily.

A predictable rhythm, with enough variation and free-play to maintain creativity, is valued in our daily schedule. Activities vary daily. Examples include: Bush crafts, nature mandalas, scavenger hunts, charades and group games, box play, sandpit, paper crafts, planes, origami, cuttings, card making, magic tricks, juggling, circus, beeswax, clay, brown, wand, dream catcher and cat’s eye making, seasonal table display, gardening, art and craft, stories, reading, library visit, card and board games, cubby building, fairy house making and more!

After School Care participants adhere to Milkwood Steiner School Association’s Policies and Code of Conduct. The safety and wellbeing of all who attend is paramount. Parents will be contacted to collect children if safety or wellbeing concern arise.

2024 After School Care Handbook

For more information, or to enrol your child in After School Care, contact / 8947 0608